
Does your shower constantly fill up with water? Is your toilet a bit slow at flushing it all away? If you’re having plumbing problems & can’t quite nail down what it is, give us a call here at Express Plumbing Bunbury and we’ll come around and check it out. Leaky taps, blocked drains, trouble shooting, residential renovations, whatever it is that you need done, our fully trained expert team will guide you through what’s going on & the best way to fix it.
Gas Works
No hot water again? Need a new oven? Room heater? Cooktop? Hot water unit? Get your gas room heater checked and serviced before you need it in winter! Does your oven have a fluctuating temperature? Can you smell gas down the side of your house? Peace of mind for all your gas needs. Adjustments and gas pressure testing for all your gas appliances or even your whole house! For any and all gas work and testing, including commercial, give us a call today.

Sewer Connections

Still on septics but you have main sewer available in your street? Give us a call today for an obligation free quote! Not sure if it’s available in your area? Give us a call – we’ll find out for you! With over 30 years exposure in the field, it’s no wonder Express Plumbing have become known as Bunbury’s first choice for sewer conversions.
Fire Services
Fire services custom designed and installed to meet all regulations and the requirements of your specific site. Installation of new & regular maintenance of existing can be carried out & completed without fuss. By law you are currently required to: have components regularly serviced; have a training and evacuation plan (training must be carried out only by recognised training organisations); keep records of fire instruction; report annually on servicing of equipment. If you need advice or help with your fire service, commercial or residential, Express Plumbing Bunbury are the ones to call.

Return to the home page to see all on offer. If you have any questions, please get in touch via the contact form.